The Mandeville School

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Key Stage 4 English

At The Mandeville School, the study of English is challenging, relevant and rewarding. An integrated approach to reading and writing seeks to promote ever-increasing independence by developing a mastery of the technical processes of language, accessible to all, and also empowering students to become capable with creative processes.

Broad and rich experiences in and beyond the classroom enable students to become confident, literate with a deeper knowledge of the critical processes in English. Personal processes in English encourage students to read with empathy and passion. Students expand their knowledge base regarding themselves and their relationship with the wider world of texts.


The English curriculum is aligned to the whole school Curriculum. The English curriculum is designed to establish a kind community where everyone perseveres, achieves and flourishes; where we enable all the experience life to the full. In the English department we maintain the Mandeville School Curriculum Principles:

Perseverance and achievement through a curriculum that is well sequenced, developing understanding, building retention and leading to academic achievement. Firm foundations in a three-year Key Stage 3 provide grounding for success in Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5 and beyond.

Flourishing through a curriculum that nourishes personal development by giving students opportunities to explore their identity and grow their character. Students are equipped with knowledge of how to be healthy, sustain positive relationships and maintain wellbeing so as to have the information needed to be able to make an effective contribution to society.

Enabling students to experience life to the full through a curriculum that inspires and enriches them with meaningful knowledge and cultural capital. High aspirations mean students study a broad range of subjects in Key Stage 3 and have a variety of routes through Key Stage 4 and 5 which are challenging and aspirational.