The Mandeville School

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Key Stage 4 pshce

PSHE at the Mandeville school aims to develop well-rounded individuals who master the values, skills and knowledge to thrive in our society. To achieve this, the curriculum offers pupils opportunities to explore their own identity and themselves within both relationships and the wider world.

Learners will gain an accurate understanding of a variety of topics that are often tainted by taboo, misinformation or stigma. These topics include mental and physical health, respectful and intimate relationships, abuse and safety, financial decisions.

While gaining knowledge, pupils will reflect on what their beliefs, assumptions and values are about each issue. Learners will also practice skills – such as critical thinking, assertiveness, effective communication, accountability. This will empower them to independently take choices during a variety of challenging situations in life.


The PSHE curriculum is in line with the school’s vision of the Mandeville as a kind community where everyone perseveres, achieves and flourishes; where we enable everyone to experience life to the full. Due to the nature of the subject, pupils will have the chance to apply the school’s values in different contexts.

A kind community through reflecting on the features of respectful relationships; developing the tools to challenge bullying, extremism, stigma, discrimination; being advocates for equality, diversity and multiculturalism.

Perseverance and achievement through chances to reflect on the strength, abilities and past experiences that allows them to endure challenges. The many opportunities for debating will also enable them to challenge themselves, make mistakes, attempt again and contribute to the class’ enrichment.

Flourishing and experiencing life to the full through a curriculum that covers challenges that human beings experience in life by deconstructing prejudices, misinformation, one-sided narratives and taboo. Pupils will be able to acquire emotional awareness that will enable them to experience life with authenticity, meaning and purpose.


PHSE Curriculum Map

RS KS4 Curriculum Map