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Students and Visiting Actors Bring Shakespeare to Life! 

Yesterday, lucky Key Stage 4 students were treated to performances of both ‘Macbeth’ and ‘An Inspector Calls’ this week by the English Department.

The three actors from Impact Drama delivered an amazing recital of ‘Macbeth’ to an enraptured Year 10 audience period 1. Students were immersed into the Jacobean world of ‘Macbeth’, they winced when faced with the witches, were shocked when Lady Macbeth took control of her husband and were relieved when Macduff restored the Great Chain of Being.

30 fortunate students were then selected to take part in the mini workshop where they had the opportunity to perform alongside the actors. Our students shone in the stage lighting as they discussed stage crafting and characters’ physicality.

It’s fair to say they had a great time.

Year 11 then had the opportunity to perform alongside the actors in a production of ‘An Inspector Calls’ which engaged students as they were taken on a journey of deception, corruption and pure arrogance. Discovering Priestley’s socialist message coming to life right before their eyes.

Just like Year 10, a smaller group of students were selected to take part in the workshop that followed. They were treated to an in depth analysis of the characters as well as a discussion of Priestley’s intention for his play.

The English Department would like to take this opportunity to thank the Fundraising Group, without who’s dedication to students’ education, these two performances would not have been possible.