The Mandeville School

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Emergency closure

Closing the school is only undertaken when we have no alternative. The reasons for this can vary but could include poor weather, a loss of heating, because of instruction by the local health authority, or transportation issues (for both students and staff).

In most cases a school closure will be announced prior to the start of the school day although this may not always be the case. If we do have to close during the school day we will ensure that all parents/carers are informed of this as the decision is taken. It is important that all parents/carers take responsibility, in advance, for ensuring that their child is able to access their home independently in such circumstances or that arrangements have been made for them to go to another person’s home.

Please do not ring the school switchboard as this will impact on our ability to communicate effectively with everyone.

If circumstances dictate that the school needs to close, the following communication processes will be followed in all cases and they will be updated daily throughout the period:

1.    Bucks County Council will contain school closure information for all schools throughout the county on the website link below:

2.    The school website will publish information about the school closure on the Homepage .


The school will use Google Classroom to post information regarding work to be undertaken by students during the closure period

It is important that you check the websites to confirm either full or partial closure on any day. A full explanation of expectations will be detailed for your information. Whilst we will endeavour to record a message for the school answer phone, this is reliant on someone being able to access the school to implement this service – as such it is far better to log onto the Bucks County Council website detailed above.

In the event of early closure:

  • Ensure that your child has a key to enter the family home

  • Ensure that your child has a travel plan to get home safely – walking, parental pick-up, shared lift, going home with a friend for collection later, public transport (if running)

  • Ensure that you have provided the school with up to date contact information for yourself

  • Ensure that your child comes to school with a suitable black coat, black scarf and suitable footwear. (You may wish to send your child to school with a pair of wellies in a plastic bag)!

I recognise that this may be an inconvenience for you; however it is important that you discuss your desired contingency plan with your child so that they are very aware of your expectations of them. Once the school is closed, it is my expectation that both staff and students would have vacated the premises within a 20 minute period. As such there will not be members of staff on the school site to supervise your child in the event of you failing to adequately plan for your child’s safe early departure.