The Mandeville School

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School uniform is worn by all students in Years 7 to 11. For full details please read the uniform guidelines.

  • PE kit: It is essential that students are correctly dressed in school PE kit for both lessons and clubs

  • Jewellery: In the interests of safety and security, students may only wear ONE plain stud in each ear and one plain nose stud. In accordance with Bucks County policy and for reasons of safety, NO JEWELLERY of any description may be worn for PE lessons. If students wish (and parents agree) to have body parts pierced, they should do so at the start of the summer holidays so that they are in a position to remove items of jewellery prior to lessons in September. It is not acceptable to request permission to miss lessons because of piercings that have not healed. If this is the case, students will be expected to remove items in accordance with our policy

  • Ties and House colours: We place a high value on 'belonging' to a House and this plays a key role in school competitions and fundraising activities in school. Each House is represented by a colour and each student wears a school tie with their House colour running as a stripe through it. The school will allocate your child a House and notify you of this in advance of joining - please purchase the corresponding tie.

  • Hairstyles: Hair dyes must be in natural colours. Extreme haircuts, severely shaved hair, patterns or designs shaved into the hair are not acceptable.

  • Make-up: Make-up is not allowed in Key Stage 3. Subtle make-up and nail varnish are allowed to be worn by Key Stage 4 and 5 students only. If make-up is obvious then students will be asked to remove it before they can attend lessons.

Students deemed to be inappropriately dressed may be asked to go home to change.

Some parents have asked for clarification about which shoes are appropriate for school. The image below provides exemplars of shoes which are/are not appropriate. Shoes should be black, flat, and shoes rather than boots. They should not be trainers of any colour.

If you child has a medical condition requiring the wearing of specific shoes, please provide a doctor’s note to the child’s Head of Year for consideration.


Our uniform supplier is Bucks Schoolwear Plus. Visit their website or contact them on 01296 422120.