The Mandeville School

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Pastoral Support

Sometimes we all need a little extra support. 

Whether it's exam stress, friendship issues, worries about your family, or anything else, there's someone here to help. 

Anti-Bullying: SPEAK UP

You can report any incident of concern or bullying by emailing This shortcut is on the desktop of every school computer. This email goes to our Lead DSL team, which consists of Mr Iddrisu, Mrs Lloyd, Mr Penson, Mr West, and Ms McCormack. 

Form Tutor

Your form tutor is your first port of call if you need help with lessons, organisation or day-to-day issues - for example, you need some advice about managing your homework, or you've fallen out with friends. Your tutor can also be your 'school parent' - the person who sees you every day and talks to other staff, parents and carers to help you out. 

Year Leader & Raising Achievement Officer

If you have a problem with people being unkind to you, or bullying you, your Year Leader and RAO can help you out. They're also on hand to support if you've lost your PE kit, struggling to get along with a specific teacher, fallen out with friends, or having a wobbly day for whatever reason. Your RAO and Year Leader can sort out most issues to get you back on track, learning well and being your best. 

Medical Support

Our Medical Officer can help if you are feeling poorly or have an accident in school. If you take regular medication or need special arrangements because of an illness, condition or injury, Mrs Grant can support you. You can also go to Reception to call on a First Aid-trained member of staff any time. 

Wellbeing Support

If you're finding things tough, you can talk to your Tutor, RAO or Year Leader for some general wellbeing support. Sometimes all you need is a friendly ear, or some support talking through things like sleep and reasons to feel positive about yourself. 

If you need some more support, these staff members will refer you on to the right provision - generally through the SEND department or the Safeguarding Team. 

Depending on what you need, and how significant your need is, this could be: 

  • A designated person for check-ins as you need it
  • A set of talk sessions with the Mental Health Support Team
  • Referral to a Youth Worker, Family Worker, or local mental health support charity/organisation
  • Referral to Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (NB: the waiting list is long!)
  • Referral for a Neurological Assessment or Educational Psychologist Assessment (waiting list is measured in years)

There's also a long list of supports you can engage with yourself! 

Some of our recommended tools and organisations are listed below. 

Managing your feelings, anxiety and depression

  • Young Minds - get advice, learn more about mental health, and learn how to support a friend. Learn more about medications you may be prescribed for mental health conditions, and other ways to improve your mental health. 
  • BAYO - support by an for the black community - with mental health and wellbeing
  • Minded for Families - great advice for young people and their parents to understand mental health conditions and strategies to manage them
  • Brave Program - online help for worried young people. Accessible online, any time - no waiting. 
  • Moodgym - online Cognitive Behaviour Therapy programme for combating depression and anxiety
  • SafeSpot app - helps young people to develop coping strategies to manage difficult emotions and situations
  • What's Up app - Using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy tools to help you cope with anxiety, anger, depression and stress
  • Mindshift app - coping with feelings of anxiety
  • Superbetter - helping you to build your resilience - staying positive and optimistic even when times are tough
  • Sam app - help you to understand and manage anxiety
  • Combined Minds - help for families and friends seeking to support a young person with mental health struggles

Wellbeing, sleep, mindfulness and more

  • Teen Sleep Hub - Advice and support for teens to develop great sleep habits
  • Headspace app - meditation and advice about healthy thoughts
  • Happify - helping you to develop happy and positive thoughts using the latest neuroscience
  • Stop Breathe Think - check in with your emotions and try these short activities to boost your mood
  • Cove - music-based app to help you work through emotions
  • Blue Beyond - having good conversations with a friend who is struggling
  • Smiling Mind - meditation programme to help improve your wellbeing
  • Calm app - meditation to help with stress and sleep
  • No OCD app - help for those suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Happime - build your self-esteem and confidence!
  • 1 Giant Mind - reducing stress, improving mindfulness and wellbeing
  • Feeling Good Teens - short audio-based app to help you let go of worries, improve your sleep, boost your self-esteem and resilience

Dealing with bereavement

  • Child Bereavement UK - support for child dealing with grief and loss (Helpline 0800 02 888 40)
  • Winston's Wish - support for children before, during and after berevaement

Eating disorders

  • Beat Eating Disorders UK - includes an online community and e-learning platform to connect with others, seek and receive support

Self-Harm & Suicide

  • National Self Harm Network - providing support for individuals and their families, and empowering people to find alternatives to self-harm
  • Papyrus - prevention of youth suicide
  • Harmless - charity supporting young people to stop self-harm by overcoming the root causes. Can you also make an online referral for yourself or someone else needing support with bereavement, self-harm, or in crisis. 
  • - free online support for young people who self-harm or are at risk of self-harm
  • Self Injury Support - support via text, phone, email or chat each evening from 7pm to 9.30pm
  • Calm Harm App - helps young people to manage the urge to self-harm
  • Blue Ice app- helping you to manage the urge to self-harm
  • Stay Alive - suicide prevention tool if you're having suicidal thoughts or want to support a friend in crisis

Bullying & Online Safety

  • CEOP - can support with removal of your image from the internet 
  • Kidscape - support for survivors of bullying
  • Speak Up - a school email address which allows students to reach out discreetly, for help with bullying
  • Anti-Bullying Committee - a collective of students at staff who can support young people with bullying. This includes peer mentoring, as well as resolving specific bullying issues. 

Healthy Relationships

  • CEOP - helpful advice for healthy relationships


  • The Proud Trust - support and advice for LGBTQIA+ youth, and connection to youth groups in your area

Drugs & Alcohol

Family Support & Parenting Support

Staying Safe