The Mandeville School

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Personal Development 


At The Mandeville School we strive to prepare you for your future as responsible citizens, who make a positive contribution to society, appreciate diversity, equality and respect British Values. Throughout your time here you will have a wide number of rich and varied experiences and opportunities through our curriculum and our co-curriculum to develop your talents, interests and cultural capital. Your careers and employability provision is well resourced and our Leadership programme enables you to believe, achieve and succeed

It is important that you are taught how to keep yourself safe and how to care for both your mental and physical wellbeing.  You will also develop personal traits, and virtues that will motivate and guide you. 

Our bespoke “Mandeville Mindset” Programme will focus on six key areas: 

Teamwork and Leadership, Organisation, Initiative, Resilience, Communication, Creativity 

The personal development curriculum at The Mandeville School is more than the lessons that you enjoy. It is the whole school experience: from assemblies to educational visits, from cultural capital discussions to student-voice sessions, from life skills to extra-curricular clubs and intervention sessions. It covers the following areas:  

  •  Fundamental British Values 
  • Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education  
  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic and Sex and Relationship Education   
  • Careers (Gatsby Benchmarking)

We believe our curriculum makes a difference to who you are and who they will become.  Possessing these skills will help you to achieve and ultimately, to succeed in whatever it is that you want to do.   

Personal Development plays a vital part in your education and as well as PSHE focused lessons, it is also embedded throughout the curriculum and central to the school’s ethos. Personal Development is integral to your development. It helps you to become a well-rounded citizen who is a valued member of the school and wider local community.

 Key Aspects

Intent for key aspects of the Personal Development Programme 

Fundamental British Values 


Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education 




Careers (Gatsby Benchmarking) 


At The Mandeville School British Values guide all that we do.  Students will be exposed to this in all interactions as we help prepare them for life in modern Britain.  We want our students to be alert to current affairs and be diligent in their appetite for challenge and who value their Personal Development curriculum. Personal Development will broaden our students understanding of fundamental British values; democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance. 

Students at The Mandeville School will be exposed to a rich and diverse curriculum that presents them with a wide range of internal and external opportunities to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. To inspire students to embrace ideas, art and culture that is beyond the confines of the classroom and the of the home.  The Mandeville School aims to construct a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all learners, including SEND and the most disadvantaged, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life through a wealth of experiences both in and outside the taught curriculum. 

PSHE at The Mandeville School aims to enable pupils to gain knowledge and skills to be safe, develop a strong sense of self and discover the opportunities to succeed in our society. To achieve this, the curriculum offers pupils opportunities to explore their own identity, self-interests, qualities, aspirations and values within both relationships and the wider world and how these are paramount for their own safeguarding. They learn about the community they are a part of and reflect on their place and contributions within it. Pupils will learn how to foster a culture of respect for all, which includes students developing the knowledge and skills to make choices that demonstrate respect for themselves and the community they are a part of. Respect importantly extends to others; understanding and celebrating diversity in many forms is a key aspect of the curriculum.  

We want our pupils to experience a careers curriculum that establishes a growing knowledge and awareness of the world of work and what they, as young people, can aim for as they prepare for adulthood and Post 16 transition.  This includes delivering a breadth of opportunities and experiences that our pupils can start to build their own future pathways on. Our student will also learn about careers and other work-related learning aspects including citizenship and financial management.  The goal of The Mandeville School Careers programme is to raise aspirations, give students the skills to achieve their full potential and provide them with the opportunity to experience different career pathways. 


 Mandeville Mindset


The “Mandeville Mindset” is a way of thinking and acting.  It sets apart Mandeville students as people who are self-aware and who work hard to develop their character.  The focus is on skills that you will need to succeed throughout your life at school, your personal relationships with friends and family and eventually in the workplace. 

These are skills that we are always building up and developing.  You will find that in all your subjects your teachers will talk to you about each of these skills as they arise.  You will also notice that these skills are developed in all the areas listed below the symbol.  Each of the key skills will be linked to a PSHE unit and there will be a focus each half term on developing that skill across the entire school. 

In short, the “Mandeville Mindset” is the development of a good character that will allow you to succeed


Communication Creativity
Initiative Teamwork and Leadership
Organisation Resilience

How to Support my Child with Personal Development

how to support your child with personal development.pdf

Assemblies and Tutor Time Calendar 




(coming soon)

Character Stratagy 

character education policy.pdf

 Sixth Form

Intent of PSHE in our 6th form

PSHE aims to develop students’ knowledge, skills and understanding of the modern world, and help to prepare them for any challenges they may face. It will enable students to lead confident, healthy and  independent lives as well as to become informed, active, and responsible citizens.

KS5 PSHE Curriculum Map: 
The PSHE curriculum for Years 12 and 13, enables students to be taught a well-rounded curriculum but also maintain consistency of delivery. A copy of the PSHE 2024-26 Curriculum Map can be found here.

PSHE Curriculum

 Enrichment Week


school gateway parent guides.pdf