The Mandeville School

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Welcome to TMS

We are delighted that your child will be joining us in September. Our school motto is ‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed’ and this permeates all we do at TMS. We believe every child will be successful and achieve the highest academic outcomes and we believe our students will become successful citizens equipped to be the leaders of tomorrow. We recognise how important it is that students have a smooth transition to secondary school and we will do all we can to support parents and students with this process.

You will receive a log in for our admissions portal ‘Applicaa’. This is where you will be able to complete all the paperwork we will need to admit your child to TMS.

Click here for the Applicaa admissions portal

(Login details have been sent to parents by email) 

Important Information

If you would like to apply for Free School Meals for your child, then please see some information below.

For more information about our SEN Department, see below

For more information about our Chromebook Policies, see below

For information on Student Lockers, see below

Also, please find attached details of the School Uniform at The Mandeville School and information leaflets about how to order this through our uniform providers Bucks Schoolwear.

Privacy Notice

Our Staff

Sara Durose

(Head of School)

 Hannah Lloyd

(Assistant Headteacher - Pastoral) 

Maria Gomez

(Assistant Headteacher - Sendco. )


Simon West

(Raising Achievement Officer Administrator)

 Caroline McCormack

(Raising Achievement Officer Outreach Worker) 

Ellie Souter

(School Counsellor)


 The School Day


School day starts

8.30am – 8.55am  Tutor time, morning registration
8.55am – 9.00am  Travel time
9.00am – 10.00am Period 1
10.00am – 11.00am  Period 2
11.00am – 11.15am Break
11.15am – 11.20am  Travel time
11.20am – 12.20pm  Period 3
12.20pm – 1.20pm  Period 4
1.20pm  1.55pm Lunch
1.55pm  Travel time
2.00pm – 3.00pm
Period 5
3.00pm School day ends

 Total hours provided per week: 32.5 hours

A Guide to Starting Secondary

Moving to secondary school presents a number of new challenges for students. These are to be expected but are nothing to be concerned about.

You will need to:

  • Ask questions when you do not understand
  • Take responsibility for your own work
  • Understand the value of working hard
  • Stick with topics, subjects and relationships when they become tricky or difficult
  • Be organised. Know what you need, when you need it and where it is
  • Revise for assessments and exams
  • Complete more independent work at home and on your own
  • Meet deadlines for homework and projects

This may seem a little daunting but you will be able to meet these challenges when you embrace the values of our school: ‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed’

Buckinghamshire Council Guide to moving to Secondary School

Department of Education guide to admissions

And don't worry as all members of the school community will help and support you to be the best you can as you embark on your journey of learning, development and growth at Mandeville.

PiXL Guides to Joining Year 7


 Open Events


There is no need to book if you wish to attend our Open Evening event. However, if you would like to attend one of our Open Mornings, please email Karen.Bunce@Mandeville.School to book a space.

Date Event Information Time
Wednesday 18th September Open Morning The Programme starts at 9:00am  with a Head of School welcome, followed by a tour of the school and a presentation/Q&A session. From 9am until 10:30am 
Wednesday 2nd October Open Morning The Programme starts at 9:00am  with a Head of School welcome, followed by a tour of the school and a presentation/Q&A session. From 9am until 10:30am
Thursday 3rd October Open Evening The Programme starts at 5:00Pm  with a Head of School welcome, followed by a tour of the school and a presentation/Q&A session. From 5pm until 8pm
Wednesday 9th October Open Morning The Programme starts at 9:00am  with a Head of School welcome, followed by a tour of the school and a presentation/Q&A session. From 9am until 10:30am
Wednesday 16th October Open Morning The Programme starts at 9:00am  with a Head of School welcome, followed by a tour of the school and a presentation/Q&A session.

From 9am until 10:30am 

Summer School

We will be welcoming  Year 6 students to our annual Summer School program. The program designed to help students transition smoothly into secondary school life. Over the course of the week, students have the opportunity to meet their future classmates, get to know the friendly school staff, and explore the school environment before starting Year 7 in September.

The program is packed with fun activities, team-building exercises, and interactive sessions, allowing students to gain confidence and feel more comfortable as they move up to secondary school. It’s a fantastic way to ease the nerves, make new friends, and get a head start on the exciting journey ahead!

The Mandeville summer school will run in August 2025 for students moving into Year 7 in September 2025.

Please check back in this area for more news and the dates as soon as they become available.

Transition Letters

Welcome Pack Equipment List Cashless Catering
Cashless Catering FAQ's